Sunday 10 May 2015

May To-Be-Read

Belated May TBR (basically all of the books I have on reserve in my local library). 

The Hero of Ages, Brandon Sanderson- I've technically been 'currently reading' this for like a week and a half, but I think I only made it past the first 100 pages or so a day or two ago. I found it really hard to get back into the world, and I was intimidated by the page count (700+). Also, I don't think I'm going to be a fantasy girl in the long run. But right now, I'm hooked. I just want to know what happens in the end. 

Beginners, Raymond Carver- I watched Birdman. That's all, really. Also, we did an exercise in the first year of my degree in which we compared on of the stories in this to the parallel story in What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. This book is basically the unedited version of WWTAWWTAL (even for an acronym its long). Gordon Lisch was Carver's editor and apparently he was ruthless. Since then, I've wanted to read both to really see how much was edited out of the originals, so I plan on reading this and the others to compare. 

A Tale for the Time Being, Ruth Ozeki- I can't quite explain it, but I saw Mercedes' review and this seems like something I'd love. I'm not even sure on the plot, but I'm looking forward to it. 

Brooklyn, Colm Toibin- He's an author I've wanted to get into for a while, and this is one of his most popular books, which won the Costa Novel Award and was on the Booker longlist in 2009. 

The Interestings, Meg Wolitzer- I don't know much about this one. All I know is it's about a group of childhood friends and how they deal with the success or failure of their dreams as they grow up. 

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